Hello from beautiful Virginia! Fall has come and it is GORGEOUS. The leaves haven't really changed color yet, but it's finally cool outside, which makes tracting much more enjoyable. Love it. Sorry to tell you this, mom, but I fall more in love with Virginia every day... Move here with me? :)
Highlights from the past week:
1. Tracting in Walmart. We got desperate one night around 7 PM, so we went to Walmart to hunt down some Hispanics. I've heard of people finding with success this way, but mostly we just wandered around awkwardly and were too chicken to talk to anyone. Finally, when we were about to leave, I decided to be brave. I walked up to a lady and just said, "Do you speak Spanish?" Obviously knowing that she did. Ridiculous, but effective. We got to talking and it turned out that she used to work for three different Mormon families and was really impressed with them. We got her number and invited her to English class. It was great. Being bold is hard, but worth it!
2. We set two people for baptism! They have a lot of things that they need to change before they can get baptized, so we might have to push back the date a little, but it was still really exciting.
3. One of our favorite investigators that was supposed to get baptized this Saturday moved to Arkansas without warning :( :( :( We showed up at his apartment a few days ago to try to visit him, and his roommate told us that he had left, along with a few other guys, two days before that. So sad. I'm praying for the missionaries to find him there so he can get baptized.
4. An RM that was here three years ago came to visit. It made me realize, again, how short this time that I have as a missionary is... It's going too fast!
5. I finally heard from my trainer! So happy.
Also, I can feel that I'm slowly starting to learn how to teach by the Spirit more. In our lesson with the couple that we set for baptism this week I was talking about baptism and I remember I said something like, "One of the final steps in repentance is keeping the commandments. Since baptism is a commandment, it is the final step in true repentance." After saying it, it struck me that it was true and that I had never thought of it in quite that way before. I knew that the Spirit was teaching me as I tried to listen and deliver the message that Heavenly Father wanted me to deliver. I still have a LOT to learn, but I am progressing, and that makes me happy.
Here's a picture of me in a typical stairwell of an apartment complex. I thought it was pretty hilarious.
Well, that's all I have for this week.
Hermana Bennett