Monday, September 2, 2013

What a week!! 8/19/13

Hello all.


This week started off with a bang in colonial Williamsburg. It is beautiful there. They have all sorts of museums and demonstrations and all of the workers dress in typical 1700s clothing. We didn't actually get to go into many of the museums, etc. because they require a $40 day pass, but enjoyed walking around and taking fun pictures.


Also there is a chocolate shop there.


I'm not going to say how much time we spent in it.


Another interesting moment from the week was making a surprise visit to an investigator that we have been working with since I arrived here in Virginia. He is a good man but struggles with some Word of Wisdom issues, and was more than a little bit inebriated when we arrived at his house. Regardless, we sat down and talked with him for a bit. During that time, he kept trying to give us back his Book of Mormon, saying that he had tried to change but that he was Catholic and just couldn't do it. We wouldn't take it back from him, though, and told him that he could do whatever he wanted with it but it was his and we wouldn't accept it back. At the end Hermana Flores got up and said, "That's fine, do what you want, but just know that you have your salvation in your hands." I thought, "Woah! That's a little bold!" But after that when we told him that he could call us at any time if he decided he wanted to learn more and he said, "Ok, how about tomorrow at 7?" Haha. We called him the next day and he was happy as a clam and didn't remember a thing. So we're going to keep teaching him :) 


On Saturday we had the wedding-baptism! It was crazy stressful for us, but in the end everything turned out wonderfully and the spirit was strong.


The best moment was watching the bride and groom dance their first song together as a married, baptism couple. I may or may not have shed a few tears. It is amazing to see the people that you have worked with grow and make choices that will bless their families for generations. They are truly modern-day pioneers. I didn't get a ton of pictures on my camera because I was busy, but other people took some so I'll try to get a hold of those.


We're also making good progress with an 19-year-old investigator from Guatemala. He's the best.


Have a great week everyone!


Also, we ate breakfast with a Venezuelan woman and she fed us AREPAS! Soooooooooo delicious. I understand now, mom. I understand.

Oh, also! (Sorry this is so disjointed.) One of my good friends from my freshman year at BYU is from North Carolina, but is currently on his mission in Africa. Well, we email every week and I told him that I was in Newport News and turns out that his dad is from here! Jokingly I said, "Tell them to come visit me!" Not expecting anything of the sort.


Well, on Sunday right before branch council I hear people saying, "Hermana Bennett! Hermana Bennett! Somebody wants to see you." I walk out to the hallway and see an entire family (mom, dad, grandma, kids) that I had never met before looking at me expectantly. Then of course I start feeling guilty thinking, "Why can't I remember who they are?!" The mom said, "Are you Courtney Bennett?" "Yes..." (even more guilty feelings for not being able to come up with a name) "I'm Jacob Dick's mom!"


His entire family came just to meet me and say hi! So nice. Turns out they attend church in Williamsburg, which is just about 20 minutes away, so they decided they'd come and see if they by chance could find me. And they did! It was great.

These are the two little girls of the couple that got married on Saturday. Missionaries to be!


And the new raincoat! THANKS MOM! I adore it.

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